Downloading MP3’s to Phone/iPad/Tablet

In this post I will give reference to the standard way to download songs to your devices and also give a neat tip for a workaround that allows you to avoid cables, iTunes, etc.

Downloading with Cable

The standard method for downloading your songs to your phone/pad/tablet will involve a cable. You can refer to the instructions that came with your device or search online. Here are some links that may help.




Downloading Using Apps

However I believe the below is an easier “trick.” It does involve two apps, one can be free and one will have a small one-time charge (optional), but everything can be done wirelessly, and you will have your songs downloaded on your phone for offline use AND be able to play them as a playlist.

1.Go online on your computer and get a DropBox account at if you don’t already have one, and choose the 2 GB Dropbox Basic Plan if you want a free account. Look for the free option hidden below the paid (free trial) options (of course they try to hide it!)

2. Move the songs into your DropBox. For our choir, that means going to the DropBox links and choosing “Save to Dropbox” for the songs/folders you need.

3. Install SongBox Player for Dropbox by Eli Neporent on your phone or tablet. (There are other options for this functionality, of a song player for Dropbox, but I find this one is the easiest.)

  • Follow instructions to connect to your Dropbox, and check settings to make sure songs are auto-downloading
  • The app is fairly simple to navigate, make playlists if desired, etc!
  • This app can be used indefinitely for free with ads, or can be upgraded to ad-free for a one-time fee of approximately $21-23 CDN